AI driven process transformation

We’re a software company that uses Automation & AI to make business processes more efficient and cost less

Software & Support

Intuitive software, management platform and managed service support

Flexible Commercials

Consumption-based pricing model that’s affordable, scalable, and secure

Customisation & Control

Non-invasive deployment ensures low risk transformation, without disruption to BAU

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NexBotix Circle Logo

Empower your team with your new digital workforce.

Increase productivity, optimisation and cost savings with NexBotix.

Process Automation Made Easy

Error Reduction

Return on Investment

Reduction in Processing Time

Time Saved Per Annum

Straight Through Processing

0 %
0 months
0 %
0 hrs
0 %

Process Automation Made Easy

Empower your team with your new digital workforce.

Increase productivity, optimisation and cost savings with NexBotix.

0 %

Error Reduction

Return on Investment

0 months

Reduction in Processing Time

0 %

Time Saved Per Annum

0 hrs

Straight Through Processing

0 %

What can you achieve with NexBotix?

At NexBotix we make automation technology accessible, affordable and easy to implement for businesses of any size. 

We automate business processes. Our software bots extract, process and move data from any source to any destination, so your employees don’t have to. 

We combine automation technology, our very own management platform and automation experts to provide a  more agile Intelligent Automation solution. 

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How are we different?

We provide the technology, the people and know-how. You receive a fast and cost-effective way to automate your tasks and processes.





We have pre-built components that are suitable for many common process automations. This means you can have your solution live in as little as 8 weeks.





Our solutions are priced per automated transaction or based on your bot consumption, on a pay-as-you-go basis. Billed per month, based upon monthly volumes or consumption.

No RPA Technical

Skills Required

No RPA Technical

Skills Required

Our automation experts manage your whole automation programme from business case, to the design and build, through to deployment and scaling across your business.





Our platform allows you to track the performance of your software bots against your business KPIs and goals.





Before you commit to our solutions, we provide you projected ROI and savings to help you understand if this is the right move for your business.

Try Before

You Buy

Try Before

You Buy

Still not sure NexBotix is for you? Don’t worry, you can experience our product before purchasing with a Proof of Concept (PoC) or Pilot.

Accounts Payable automation in action

We combine software and service to provide our client with the tools they need to succeed with automation

Manual Process

In Accounts Payable, Softcat had a team of 5 people manually processing invoices every day. This involved manually inputting the relevant data from the invoices into the central finance system. The invoices would be received in multiple formats and would then need to be checked against PO numbers in the system and validated, before then manually entering the data. This process required a huge amount of manual effort and time, taking between 3-5 minutes per invoice. As the business continued to grow, so did the resource required to process the growing number of invoices, often resulting in backlogs during peak processing periods such as end of the month, where they simply didn’t have the resource to manage the process at scale.

Softcat identified that manually processing their invoices was a growing problem that needed addressing. They wanted to streamline the process and reduce any associated costs, such as additional headcount in peak processing periods.

Automated Process

It was imperative that any new solution needed to be worth the investment for Softcat and would also work and integrate with Softcat’s existing new finance system, which they had previously implemented. After a 9-month diligent tender process, NexBotix were awarded the contract to automate their invoice processing after providing confidence that the new technology would be successful through the provision of a successful pilot and proof of concept phase.

The NexBotix solution was up and running in just over 12 weeks. It included a period of discovery, involving a deep dive into the different facets of the process and how it ran manually end to end. This was followed by the creation of the automated process, including user testing – all of which would seamlessly integrate into their existing finance system, without any disruption.
NexBotix also deployed its automation platform, NIAH, to allow them to manage any business exceptions, as well as providing a managed service where the team monitors the automation and addresses any potential issues.


invoices processed per month
reduction in processing costs
0 %
straight through processing
0 %
elimination of errors
0 %

Housing Association automation in action

We combine software and service to provide our client with the tools they need to succeed with automation

Manual Process

The finance team needed to find a more efficient and faster way of processing 2,500 invoices a month from approximately 80+ different local contractors and tradespeople, who were servicing 10,000 homes.  The sheer volume and scale of managing this was taking up a significant amount of processing time for the Finance Team, leading to bottlenecks, errors and payment delays

Automated Process

The NexBotix solution combined intelligent software bots to extract, process and move the invoice data from source to the required destination, with the NexBotix Intelligent Automation Hub (NIAH), the management SaaS platform, giving the end users everything, they needed to manage the automation, including data and insights, reviewing the extracted data and approving the bots work in real time


reduction in errors
0 %
automated processing
0 h
approved invoices straight through
0 %
support from automation experts
0 h

Legal Automation in action

We combine software and service to provide our client with the tools they need to succeed with automation

Manual Process


Mewburn Ellis LLP is one of Europe’s leading intellectual property law firms. It is one of the UK’s largest firms of Chartered Patent Attorneys, European Patent Attorneys, European Trademark Attorneys and European Design Attorneys, with offices in London (Headquarters), Bristol, Manchester, Cambridge and Munich.


Invoices needed to be processed faster and with a higher degree of accuracy to alleviate the frustrations and limitations of the team having to manually process circa 41,000 invoice pages per year, using 4 different systems.  The team were looking to reduce time, effort and errors associated with high volume, manual business processing.

Automated Process

The NexBotix solution combined intelligent software bots to extract, process and move the invoice data from source to the required destination, with the NexBotix Intelligent Automation Hub (NIAH), the management SaaS platform, giving the end users everything, they needed to manage the automation, including data and insights, reviewing the extracted data and approving the bots work in real time.


reduction processing time
0 %
reduction in errors
0 %
automated processing
0 h
approved invoices straight through
0 %

Manufacturing Case Study

We combine software and service to provide our client with the tools they need to succeed with automation

Manual Process

Our manufacturing client had 9 full-time members of staff delivering the Accounts Payable process across 5 business functions. 

They were using legacy accounting software and lacked standardisation across the board.   

Automated Process

NexBotix was able to automate 85% of this process using our NexBots, OCR, machine learning and Analytics.  

The customer is now able to manage their automation via our NexBotix platform and runs weekly performance reports. 


time saved per invoice
0 %
reduction of annual process cost
0 %
reduction of employee resource needed
0 %
reduction in duplicate invoices
0 %

Legal case study

We combine software and service to provide our client with the tools they need to succeed with automation

Manual Process

A legal firm had a need to process over 500,000 documents and would have needed to employ at least 15 full time people to meet the demand.

The process was highly manual, looking through 5 or 6 different documents per client and pulling out specific detail.  This detail was entered into spreadsheets for further analysis.

There were a number of legacy systems involved as well as manually setting up file structures.

Automated Process

The team at NexBotix were able to automate the full process end-to-end using a combination of RPA and AI technologies, including our NexBots, OCR, Natural Language Understanding, Machine Learning, Human-Bot Collaboration and Analytics.

The customer is now able to process large batches of documents through the NexBotix platform, based upon their demand and only pays when they use the solution.


days saved in the first year
thousand pounds saved in the first year
reduction in processing time
0 %
Pay-As-You-Go solutions
0 %

IT Case Study

We combine software and service to provide our client with the tools they need to succeed with automation

Manual Process

Customer Orders that entered the Managed Service needed to be verified for stock availability and booked onto an external system to place orders.  This was a highly manual process and required a significant amount of re-keying of the same data in different systems.  

Automated Process

The NexBotix Intelligent Automation solution was deployed to eliminate the need to move data from one system to another.  Not only did this dramatically reduce the order-to-delivery cycle for customers, it also ensured that SLA’s were met and the process was 100% error free. 


months to achieve ROI
0 %
reduction in processing cost
0 %
error free
0 %

Healthcare Case Study

We combine software and service to provide our client with the tools they need to succeed with automation

Manual Process

Mundane and repetitive tasks and processes were identified in multiple areas of this NHS Trust organisation, including Human Resources, Occupational Health and the Appointment Booking Centre.  

Automated Process

A Centre of Excellence for Intelligent Automation has been established ensuring that a pipeline of relevant candidate processes for automation is consistently populated. Consequently, new areas of the organisation have been incorporated into the overarching automation plan including the recent addition of their Cancer Information Centre. 


saved annually
0 h
saved annually within HR and the Appointments Centre
0 h
saved annually within the Cancer Information Centre
0 h
faster than humans
0 %

Fresh Produce Case Study

We combine software and service to provide our client with the tools they need to succeed with automation

Manual Process

This fresh produce company receives thousands of invoices every month. Many in different currencies and many with multiple shipping methods. Understanding, verifying and coding the goods onto the Purchase Ledger is an extremely time-consuming task for the Accounts Payable team. 

Automated Process

Automating the end-to-end process has delivered a significant amount of time and quality benefits for the company.  The process is complex, yet the NexBotix solution handles it with ease.  With varying workflows and large approval chains, human bot collaboration is a key element of the solution. 


saved per year
0 h
reduction in processing cost 
0 %
faster than a human
0 %
0 %

Finance Case Study

We combine software and service to provide our client with the tools they need to succeed with automation

Manual Process

The whole process of mortgage valuations was extremely time-consuming and error prone at this organisation. 

Automated Process

The automated process used a combination of OCR and RPA to extract all the data from the documents, validate it and then post that data into the finance system.


0 %
reduction in processing cost
0 %
faster than a human
0 x
0 %

Get started

Our team are on hand every step of the way to guide you through the process


We start by hosting a session with you and your team to gain a deep understanding of your current process and the related systems.

Business Case &

We’ll build a clear ROI focussed business case outlining the time and money you will save using our automation solutions.

Optional Proof
of Concept

You get the opportunity to try out the technology to see how it works in real-time with a specified number of documents or some specific steps in a process.


Our team will design, build and manage your automation solutions. You will also be assigned a Customer Success Manager to support you.

Here are some of the companies that trust us

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Let’s build a sustainable future!

We are taking action and making the UN SDGs a part of our corporate responsibility.

As responsible corporate citizens, it is imperative to contribute towards the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). These goals aim to create a more sustainable and equitable future for everyone.

Together, we can make a positive impact on the world and create a better future for generations to come.

Click the button below to see our plan of action and what UN SDGs we will implement.